It is only a few days until Easter, and I always brace myself for a breakdown. Easter was the day we went to the ER and found out we were losing our baby that we hoped and prayed for, Lily. No matter how many years pass (this year will be 3 years) the sting is still the same.
The fact that we lost Lily on Easter leaves such a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth. There is the hope of the redeeming power of Jesus rising from the dead, conquering sin and bridging the gap between us and God... Then there is the sadness and tragedy of losing my baby girl. I think God really used that day for good for me. Because it was on a holiday, I am forced to remember, to deal, to cry out, to hurt and grieve. I can't push it under a rug like I probably would have done. PLUS, I get a message of hope and redemption spoken to me on the same day.
Easter Lily's white, somber, and beautiful will fill the church and the sweet smell remind me that one beautiful day I will see Lily again. We will meet in eternity and will never be separated again! We will be with our saviour, Jesus, happy, whole and without sorrow of being apart.
"It is Well with my soul"