A few weeks later, we set a plan in motion to make the Memorial happen.
I am helping with some of the creative aspects of the service + the music and will be giving away CD's of the songs I wrote when me and my husband lost our 1st baby. I am SO honored to be able to provide a beautiful setting for other families to grieve, remember, honor and validate the loss of their sweet little ones. To be able to step out of my pain for a second like my friend did for me and stand beside other families who are in pain.
The Memorial Service will be held at Vineyard Sawmill Campus (6561 Dublin Center Drive, Dublin, OH) on Sunday, November 3rd at 3pm.
The Memorial Service is for Families who have lost children due to miscarriages, abortions, still births, as infants and small children. All are welcome. Mom's, Dad's, Siblings, Grandparents, Friends.. It's going to be a lovely, well thought out service with readings, a short word from one of the pastors, moving music, a time worship & activities for remembrance & grieving.
Please invite anyone you know who has suffered a loss of a child.
The pic above is some inspirations for the decor for the service.
No matter how many years pass after losing my 1st baby, I still feel an ache, a void. Especially with certain dates and when I see little girls that are the age of what my little girl would be. I never had a memorial for the loss of my baby and I ALWAYS think about that. But now, I get to provide one for other families who may not have had memorials for their babies either and I see the Lords Grace and care for me through planning it.. He has not forgotten my desire to have a memorial for our babe. What a thoughtful God I serve! I am always amazed by His kindness and His attention to detail. Even when I have long forgotten, He never forgets!