Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Finish Line in Sight

This pregnancy has been the longest, hardest road I've ever had to walk down. Complications with Extreme Nausea & vomiting (Hyperemesis Gravdidarum), dehydration, weight loss, heart problems, crippling sciatic nerve pain & emotional upheaval.

  As I look back, I wonder, "How did I get so far?!" I'm 37 weeks pregnant & at my last OBGYN appointment my cervix was already 2cm dilated & 50% effaced. I think when my doctor told me that, something clicked in my head "I'm almost to the finish line! I get to hold my baby girl so very soon. The suffering is almost over!" I don't think I've really thought about how close I am because I've just been trying to take things one day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time. The greatest thing is knowing there is an end date for sure. No matter what I'll be induced on April 13th, but I'm hoping she comes sooner!!! The hope of the finish line pulls my focus away from all that I've been through behind me, to the joy that is coming ahead of me. I couldn't have gotten this far without the many prayers, support & love of my family, friends & church community! They have carried me most of this race, and couldn't finish this race without them!

Here is a video I made of my journey through pregnancy! Click on the YouTube link to watch it: