Monday, April 10, 2017

Heaven Come Soon

This song is a song I wrote as I was grieving the loss of my Baby Lily. I was trapped in the tension of the now (not able to see and hold her or be with her) & the not yet (the hope of being able to see & hold her). Also feeling that gut sense of this is NOT how it's supposed to be. That mother's shouldn't lose their babies, death is such an unfair not natural thing. That it was never supposed to be this way. That God never intended for us to experience death, but the moment sin entered the world through Adam & Eve, death entered as well. God's heart broke & He made a plan to set things straight again by sending HIS son Jesus to pay the penalty that we should have to pay, death, FOR US.

 Until things are truly made right, that tension will always be felt. So as I sing the words "Heaven come soon, cuz this is not our home" it's a realization that this isn't the way it's supposed to be, that earth is not our final destination, that we were made for heaven & the kingdom fully come with no death & tears. The cool thing is we get to play a part in seeing the kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven, NOW. We have a great hope because of that! That we get to see glimpses of the kingdom now even.

The second verse talks about me getting to see a glimpse of Lily in heaven while I was in a counseling session. I had this beautiful picture of her with beautiful golden blonde hair holding the hand of Jesus. She turned back and waived to me as if to say "I'm ok momma!" She had the brightest blue eyes & she looked SO happy! What a great comfort that was to my heart, that though I can't hold her in my arms, I know Jesus has her!

My precious Grandma Waugh who recently passed away gets to hold her & meet her too! She loves her grandbabies, it's such a cool thought.

So this song is full of longing, but also hope & great assurance that I will see Lily again.

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