I had been feeling increasingly short of breath & had an episode of walking through our church where I was gasping for air, had painful Braxton Hicks Contractions, felt like I was going to pass out & my heart was racing like I had run a marathon. I tried to blame normal pregnancy breathlessness, but that night while I was getting my PJ's on, I found myself gasping for air, head pounding & spinning & my arms & legs felt heavy. I checked my blood pressure & it was 122/84 higher than my usual low 110/? Range. I knew something wasn't right. I woke up the next morning feeling swollen & knew I needed to call my doctor.
I talked to the nurse, & she told me to go into the hospital to get checked out. I cried when I got off the phone & talked to my husband Brett. I just couldn't handle going to the hospital one more time.
When I got to the ER they looked at me (and my big belly) and asked how many weeks I was and sent me up to Labor & Delivery.
In the triage area in labor and delivery they monitored my heart beat, took my blood pressure & did an EKG. Everything looked good enough & they sent me home & told me to follow up with my doctor to get an Echocardiogram (ultrasound) on my heart that week.
I went into my doctor and I explained to her what I was feeling and she agreed I needed to get an echocardiogram because of my history with Cardiomyopathy & congestive heart failure from preeclampsia during my last pregnancy. They also tested my hemoglobin levels in case my iron was low, but everything looked good. She also mentioned watching my blood pressure closely & testing my blood for signs of preeclampsia in the coming weeks to make sure we are ahead of any possible problems.
That very same week I got my echocardiogram & the next Monday I saw my doctor & she told me the results. They came back as Mildly Low Ejection Fraction (heart is not pumping out blood to full capacity that your body needs) in my Left Ventricle, something to be aware of and watch, but not serious yet. That the stress of pregnancy is a lot on the heart & She urged me to take it SLOW the next couple weeks. I'll probably need to see a cardiologist after pregnancy just to make sure everything is still ok. I had to do that last pregnancy too when I had Cardiomyopathy. (Swelling and some damage to the heart) She just urged me to take it very slow and to monitor my heart rate and symptoms closely. She also told me that she'll probably induce me a week early, on April 13th to make sure she isn't too big & that I don't get preeclampsia like last time.
That same week I was experiencing CRIPPLING pain in my lower back and hips. One night my sweet husband had to almost carry me to the bathroom I was in so much pain. My hip kept giving out and I almost fell a couple of times. I cried the pain was so bad!
I called my doctors office AGAIN and the nurse urged me to see a chiropractor that works a lot with pregnant women. I called the Chiropractor James Schramm and they were able to get me in THAT DAY. I was relived to say the least. He told me my hip was tightly pinching my sciatic nerve and after that 1st adjustment I already felt LOADS better! I actually slept through the night which was a miracle in itself.
I've also had increasing Braxton Hicks Contractions that have been more intense and painful. One night I had 20+ contractions in 5-7 minute waves for 2 hours, that I swore I was going to have to go to the hospital. I drank 2 cans of carbonated water (my safe beverage) and laid on my left side and they started spacing out and calming down, luckily! I called my doctor and talked to the nurse again (they know me so well by now!! Haha!) and told her what had happened and she told me "if you are having more than 5 contractions an hour that don't go away when you drink and lay down, that you could be in labor." I told her I drank fluids and laid down and they went away & she told me to be careful and try to stay more hydrated. I told her it has been a struggle staying hydrated (b/c of nausea) but I've been pushing through it! Those contraction episodes have happened a couple of times, so I know my body is getting ready for the "big event", which is exciting, BUT I've got to keep her in there a little longer :)
It feels like there is a new mountain to climb every week (sometimes 2 or 3) but I know once I see that sweet baby girls face I will look back on everything and say "it was all worth it"!
Her "story" is certainly not boring one!
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