Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gabrielle's Story

Gabrielle’s Story
Angie Diamond
We found out we were pregnant May 2007 with our 1st child. We were thrilled! We were not planning on having a child at this time, however God had a plan for us and we knew it was bigger than us. Kevin and I had been married for 4 years and our only concern was that I was not done with college yet. 

We were heading into our 12 week appointment and I really wanted to see our baby. We go to the doctor’s room and wait patiently. The nurse ended up telling us that our Doctor does not do ultrasounds this early. I was so upset because I really wanted to see our baby. The nurse came in and used a Doppler on us and sadly could not locate the heartbeat. She called in the doctor. It was not our normal doctor. She said we need to do an ultrasound on you. I did not know what was going on. Then the doctor said the following “Your baby does not look 12 weeks along.” We were like ok, maybe we were not that far along. “Then she said there is not heartbeat.“ We were thinking once again okay maybe the baby has not developmed and I was not as far as we thought I was. So we asked, what does that mean. The doctor said “Your baby is dead, you have miscarried.” I will never forget those harsh words. 

I had no cramping, no bleeding, no signs that I was miscarrying. I just didn’t understand why us, why no signs, what did I do wrong. I was devastated. I cried and cried and Kevin just held me and stayed strong for me. I could not go back to work. Kevin had to call all of our family and friends. I could not talk to anyone. I just felt like a failure. I felt so sad and all these what if’s ran through my head. I took three days off work and in that time I decided to get a D&C… I could not handle the thought of waiting for my baby to pass and actually seeing him. 

Kevin and I were going to the Vineyard at the time and we went to church that Sunday. I will never forget the first people we saw were the Kerry Davis and His wife. I wept to them and they prayed for us. During worship the song was “Blessed be the name of the Lord” – At the line

“You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name”

I just raised my hand worshiping and weeping and thinking through all the things that He has blessed me with and through all of this the Lord is good and has a plan for me. It is amazing how many women have the same story and shared it with me, some worse than mine… Some have lost multiple babies, some have lost babies farther along in their pregnancy, some still have not had any children, some are struggling with fertility issues and can’t get pregnant at all. 

My story gets way better. In July 2009 we found out we were pregnant again. I was super scared; I did not think I could go through another miscarriage. I waited until 12 weeks to have my 1st appt and I set myself up so I could be let down and would not let myself get too excited, we decided not to tell anyone. I knew God was in control; however I was not sure what His plan was for my life, which scared me. When we went to the appointment there was a heartbeat!!! I was so excited. We ended up renting a Doppler so I could hear my baby’s heartbeat as much as I wanted (this really put me at ease). March 2010, I gave birth to my beautiful, amazing son Preston Kevin Diamond. He is such a gift and there is never a day where I take him for granted, Kevin and I are truly blessed with an awesome baby. It is amazing being a mom and I know that through my tough times I have been able to witness to many women who have lost a baby and stand alongside them with hope and prayer. 

We named our baby that we lost, Gabrielle because he was an angel to us, we look forward in meeting him someday heaven.

Your Story is My Scar

I wrote this song a couple days ago... The first verse is talking about the scar left by the love of my daughter, Lily and the second verse is talking about the scars left in Jesus' hands and feet as a reminder of what He did for us on the cross. He had scars too. This is always a crazy life changing thought for me... He has some amazing LOVE for us!

Story is My Scar

Verse 1:
Though I've never held you
The scar remains the same
Though I've never seen your face
I will see you someday

And I have never felt
A love like this

Your life has left a mark
Name written on my heart
You're safe if Jesus' arms
Your story is my Scar

I'll never be the same
The day I lost you babe
Your life has left a mark
Your story is my scar

Verse 2:
Jesus, He had scars too
From the cross where He hung
His scars are a reminder 
Of what He did for us

And I have never felt 
A love like this

My life has left a mark
Name written on His heart
I'm safe if Jesus' arms
My story is His Scar

I'll never be the same
The day that Jesus came
My life has left a mark
My story is His scar

I've been having LOTS of conversations with momma's who've lost babies lately, and my heart breaks every story I read, then I realize how needed it is to share our stories with each other.. We need to know we aren't alone in our pain...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lily's Song & Processing TIps

I wrote this song (I'm a Singer/Songwriter and write a lot of songs about things I am going through to help me process things) called Lily's Song as a way to say good bye to my daughter. I wrote it (amazingly) 2 days after I found out I was miscarrying on the keyboard, through the tears and physical pain of a miscarriage.  I hope it helps..


I wanted to write you a song
But how can I get along?
Without you here
Without you here with me

I'm staring into the sun
It's been 2 days since you've been gone
I wish you were here
I wish you were here with me

But how can I say goodbye?
How can I say goodbye?

Goodbye My love 
I'll sing you this song
Since you're not here
To sing along
God made you so beautiful
You've opened my eyes to see
That there's more to life than this

I wanted to sing you this song
But how can you sing along?
'Cuz you're not here
Oh you're not here with me

I'm staring into the sun
It's been 2 days since you've been gone
I wish you were here
I wish you were here with me

We all process through things in different ways. Mine is to write/sing what I am feeling or journal my thoughts. Sometimes I never show people the heartfelt songs I've written just because they are for me at the time when I needed it. 

What is your way of processing through pain? I encourage you to find out your method and do it! It really helps.

Here's some examples of things you could do to process (these are just things I came up with that helped me, not saying they are good for everyone!):

1. Journal (Write out what you are feeling with complete honesty, then pray and ask God to help you with the things you wrote.)
2. Paint (It can be abstract, nothing fancy, just something to help YOU. )
3. Go talk to a counselor or close trusted friend
4. Listen to a song that really speaks to your heart and allow yourself to cry
5.  Scream into a pillow your frustrations (I did that a couple times)
6. Cook something (that's what my sister does when she is stressed)
7. Clean something or Organize something (while you are cleaning think about what is bugging you and as things get more organized in your head, so does your house! yeah!)
8. Take a LONG, Undisturbed bath. (Decompress, Think, and Relax)
9. Go on a Run. (For the athletic types this is just what the doctor ordered! Make sure you are physically ready before hitting the pavement of course.)
10. Get lost in a Fun book or go out for a movie or date! (Doing something fun is good for the depressed soul, staying inside only makes the pain close in on you)
11. Plant a tree, Get a gravestone, Dedicate a bench at a park, or plant a Lily for your Babe. (We planted a lily for my daughter Lily and it comes back every year. It is good to have a place you can go to think and reflect)
12. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. (While you are doing any of these activities, always be in conversation with God. Tell Him HONESTLY how you feel. Ask Him to help you through the heartache.)

Do you have any good processing tips? If so, send them to !

Much Love to you,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Heather's Story: Losing Lily

My husband Brett and I found out we were pregnant in early 2008. We were as happy as could be being pregnant with our first child, dreaming and making plans for the future. I changed all of my bad eating habits, stopped drinking coffee, and pretty much did everything I could to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

We had our first ultrasound and everything looked great so we started telling friends and got a few baby things like a really cool crib set that was gender neutral. My mom even got us some cute little baby outfits and bibs. Everything felt certain…Life was wonderful and new.

One Thursday night I had a terrible dream. I dreamed I was in a dingy bathroom and Brett came in and I told him I was miscarrying, and to call the doctor right away. He called the doctor, but she was out of town. A huge angry rat came out of nowhere and started attacking us. I woke up from the dream and prayed and told Brett about it.

It was Friday, and that day at work I noticed some spotting (bleeding), remembering my dream from the night before, I called the doctor right away. She got me in for an ultrasound that day. She said that she wasn’t seeing any progression from the last ultrasound and didn’t see a heartbeat, but that it didn’t mean I was miscarrying either. She also told us she was GOING OUT OF TOWN and that we wouldn’t be able to get a hold of her, but if I felt any pain or increased bleeding to go straight to the hospital. I felt like the dream from the night before was a warning or preparation for us to know what to do and what to expect, but also that we were entering an ugly battle.

In the next day the pain started, and the bleeding worsened. I woke Brett up at 2 am Easter Sunday morning in extreme pain and he sat with me massaging my legs and praying for me. I was crying the pain was so bad, so we called the on call doctor and she told us to go to the ER.

We spent Easter Sunday in the ER. They gave me pain meds, which helped a lot and the doctor did a pelvic exam to see if I was miscarrying. Sure enough my cervix was open and they were very certain I was in fact miscarrying. I cried. I was devastated. What did I do wrong? How could I have tried harder to ensure my baby’s safety? Was there nothing they could do other than send me home with pain meds and let the baby pass? It seemed so insensitive, so wrong, so unfair.

We went to my parent’s house that night and decided to stay there for a couple days since I needed lots of help. I cried in my parent’s arms and they cried too.

We decided to name our baby Lily for the Easter lily. (My parents gave us a white lily that night. It was such a sweet gift in such a crazy time.) We both thought our baby was a girl from dreams we had about her, so we stuck with it to give our hearts some closure. It was hard to be losing our baby on Easter Sunday. A day that is supposed to be filled with much hope and promise was filled with sadness and emptiness for us. We knew every Easter from that moment on wouldn’t be the same, yet God STILL showed us His love and hope in those moments. Knowing that we don’t belong in this broken place, but we were meant for more. That Jesus rose to life as Lily would also be raised. She is in heaven with Jesus now, in his presence, in his arms. “Just a moment there is better than here.” As JJ Heller writes in the song Olivianna.

I bled and was in gut wrenching pain for 2 weeks. I was weak and I was emotionally traumatized. I was living the death of my child everyday. I continued to bleed, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it. I felt so out of control.

I remember lying helplessly on the couch praying and feeling the closeness of Jesus. That as I wept, I knew He was right there with me weeping too.

People from our church, friends and family brought us food, cards, flowers, left us messages on facebook, emailed us and prayed with us. I cried each time I received something, feeling so blessed in such a dark time. They were a great extension of God’s love for us. I was so grateful for them.

Somewhere in that time we received the crib set we ordered months before, and Brett told me, “I’m so sorry honey. I will put this away until we need it.” He was so sweet and put it away in a closet so I wouldn’t find it.

Finally, the doctor told me since the bleeding wasn’t stopping, she would need to do a procedure to “scrape” out the rest, a D&E.

I went into surgery in good spirits. I prayed a lot with Brett and my family before and had peace about everything. After the surgery, the doctor told my parents and Brett that the sac and lifeless baby was still stuck in my uterus, and it was a good thing they did the procedure when they did because of possible infection.

I cried again when I heard this, because I KNEW my baby was really gone. I felt empty and sad, like a piece of me was missing.

A couple weeks before Mother’s Day, my family and I planted a lily in honor of Lily. It was emotional to say the least. As my dad dug the hole I was thinking, it is sad I didn’t get to burry my child somewhere, but it was okay because I know she didn’t need a place to be buried, because she was in heaven with Jesus. Just in time for Mother’s Day the lily bloomed! Another LOVELY display of God’s love for us! Even in the little things like a lily blooming. He knew what it meant to me and it was a beautiful moment.

It was probably 8 months before I felt somewhat normal again. I was overwhelmed with grief, depression, and feelings of guilt and shame. People were still asking me everyday “how’s the pregnancy going?” or “how’s your baby?” not realizing I had miscarried and I had to tell them all over again about the miscarriage. In a way it was a good healing process to be able to talk about it, yet still, it brought up all of the horrific memories.

I had some great encounters with the Lord in that time. Sometimes when we are at our lowest He speaks the loudest.

I remember one occasion I was at my church sitting alone and I felt this overwhelming feeling of loneliness during worship. I made a conscience effort to worship God anyway and pushed my feelings aside. I closed my eyes to focus my mind on Him. When I opened my eyes I had this overwhelming feeling that I was singled out by God. That even though I was in a room worshiping with 3,000 people He SAW me. It was so personal and profound. I cried and peace washed over my heart and I told Him everything I was feeling about losing Lily and that I missed her. I later got prayer and I felt like a stitch was placed on my bleeding heart. That healing had begun.

In those months women who had also lost a child, came out of the woodwork and talked to me. I had no idea how many women had been through what I had. I thought I was alone, but to my surprise, many women have been through it, yet are just unable or scared to talk about it. I had many great talks with those women and we cried together, shared together and shared the hope of meeting our children in heaven. What a great hope!

God continued to pursue me and urged me to keep talking about Lily and to continue to heal. He wanted to pull out everything I had put under the rug and deal with it even though I wanted to hide all that I was dealing with. He is good like that. He doesn’t want us to stay hurt or broken. He wants us to heal so we can help others.

In the months following I was able to talk at different women’s events about my miscarriage, and how God got me through it. I cried each time, the wound still fresh, but God continued to use Lily’s story to bring people to Him.

God gave me a sweet analogy in that time through a blog of a mom, Angie, who lost her baby at birth ( that Jesus has scars in his hands and feet as a reminder of LOVE of what He did for us, and I also carry scars of the Love of my daughter. They will never go away, but it is okay. We all have scars, but it’s what we do with them that matters.

Women came to me, wrote me letters, and shared about the children they had lost and that they had never had the courage to talk about them until I told my story. I am constantly reminded that God really does work EVERYTHING together for good, and uses every person’s story to bring Him glory!

Renee's Story

Here is a testimony from Renee in response to this blog! Please keep your stories coming.. I cannot even tell you how much your stories have inspired me.. I only hope they can inspires who are going through similar things!

"Heather, This is an amazing idea that has needed to be done for so long. I haven't shared my story in so long. I really haven't known too many who have been through what I have and would love to know others, so I don't feel alone. In 1995, I got pregnant. January 1996 I went for an ultra sound completely excited to find out the sex of the baby. My doctor had a grave look and sent us to the hospital for a level two ultra sound. The doctors said it was a girl, but she would not live. They said her brain and skull had not developed. They told me an abortion would be the best solution for me and the baby. I could not see what they saw on the screen and being a cocky teen I said no way, I’m going to let her live as long as God will allow it. For the next several months I went to the ob. At each ultra sound, I ask, is she still alive, the answer was yes, each time. My due date was May 25th. I made it till then and she was still alive. They let me stay pregnant longer. On June 24th I was admitted to the hospital because they said I couldn’t stay pregnant any longer. They started pitocin. June 25th she was born. No doctor was there just a nurse, they were not ready. She was born with what is called Anencephaly. She was missing the back of her brain and skull. I had them take her and dress her in an adorable little outfit and place a bonnet on her head. When they laid her in my arms she was so beautiful. She lived for 13hrs. June 26th, 1996 Taylor Nicole Zartman-Stephens when to be with Jesus. It was so sad yet Jesus brought an amazing peace over our family. I still have the pain, even after all these years. I am so thankful for the 13 hrs I had with her. Since Taylor was born, every other child I have been pregnant with has died. I am thankful to have 4 living children out of 10 pregnancies. I really don’t know how people go through hardships without having Christ to lean on." -Renee

Blog for Mom's who've lost a Child or with Traumatic Birth Experiences

I miscarried my Daughter Lily on Easter Sunday 2008. Lily left such in imprint on my life that I want to share her story and the continuing "Story of Trust" I have been processing through. 

Through many complications and near death experiences my son Trust Emmanuel was born June, 22nd 2010. Trust is a miracle through and through, but the hurt and trauma of his birth and recovery have been more than I could handle on my own. 

I am writing this blog to reach out to mom's who've lost a child, or have had a traumatic birth experience. I am realizing there are not many resources out there to help process and work through these TOUGH issues. 

I want to give mom's who feel alone and scared a voice and place of support. We NEED each other.  We need JESUS to heal our scars. PLEASE contact me with your story... If you are ok with me sharing on this blog, let me know! I am realizing God can use our stories to help others, and it is so important to share our stories so we know that we aren't alone in this. 

This is an amazing song written by JJ Heller, a Christian Singer/Songwriter. She Wrote this song after hearing about the story of precious Olivianna, baby who died at birth. I have had it on repeat these past 2 days. It is very hopeful!

Hearts broke
When your heart stopped beating
I don't Know if mine will ever stop bleeding

Eleven minutes...
To breathe you in
I felt the darkness
When I knew I couldn't hold you again
When I knew I couldn't hold you again

Olivianna, you're in the arms of God
Just a moment there is better than here

Life is short but it is wide
I know it's true
You touched more souls
Than most people ever do

Olivianna, you're in the arms of God
Just a moment there is better than here

You could not stay with us (echoed)
We will come to you (echoed)
You could not stay with us (echoed)
Oh oh oh oh 
You're going home love
Where you belong
Oh my baby, girl
I'll see you soon

Olivianna, you're in the arms of God
Just a moment there is better than here
Olivianna, you're in the arms of God
Just a moment there is better than here