Thursday, October 9, 2014

13 weeks, emergency doc visit

Before pregnancy and during pregnancy picture 😳

The past week or so I've tried really hard to manage my HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) on my own and this morning after a vomiting fit, I decided I needed help. I called the nurse line at my doctors office and explained that it was like my meds just stopped working because I was vomiting and SUPER nauseated no matter what. She scheduled me an emergency Doctor appointment, and the doctor suggested a few things and I told him I had already tried everything. I knew what was next, The Zofran Pump. I had the Zofran pump with my last HG pregnancy with my son and although it helps, it HURTS, is super expensive, and home care nurses monitor you with it. You literally stick it into your leg or stomach (yourself or with help from a family member), it sucks and is awesome at the same time. I told him I was familiar with the Zofran pump and was willing to give it a shot. 

He also suggested I get hooked up to an IV for fluids in the office, so the nurse guided me back to the room. I was trying everything within me to not vomit, And when the bed wouldn't work in one room she moved me to another and I almost fainted on her. She was really nice and held me up and got me all situated and kept checking on me every few minutes. 

When my husband came back from lunch with my son Trust, the nurse unhooked me and took me out to my car. She told my husband if the Homecare nurses didn't call THAT DAY to call her, because she knew how badly I needed it.

We rushed from my appointment to my sons doctor appointment. I sat in the car with my red puke bowl, thinking of all the events of the day.. Poor Trust has had the worst Sinus infection and cough and he did one round of antibiotics but it never went away fully. We've had SO many sleepless nights taking care of him + me, we are ready for everyone to be healthy again!

I have a interesting week ahead. As we wait to see if the Zofran Medicine pump is covered by our insurance, I'm left with a little bit of hope and fear. Hope that it will work and that I won't be bedridden. Fear of the whole needle, swelling, unfunness of it. I'm realizing with every good effect something gives you, there is always a negative effect. Hoping I can push through all of this and not be overcome by everything. Trusting God even though I can't see what's in front of me.

UPDATE!! Home care is coming tomorrow and starting me on the Zofran Pump! Relief is in sight. These home care nurses are ANGELS. The woman I spoke with on the phone kept calling me honey and was really sweet. We already got the meds and everything tonight from a mail currier. ALSO, since our deductable is met,the home care is COMPLEYELY covered!! Praise The Lord!!!!!

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